
Engineering companies across the world are reporting lack of skills to be resilient to climate change

In a fresh review by the 新萄新京十大正规网站 of engineering and 技术 skills in the battle against climate change, the survey tracked the opinions of engineering employers in Australia, 巴西, 中国, 埃及, 德国, 印度, 马来西亚, 沙特阿拉伯, 英国和美国.

There are mixed opinions across all countries as to which skills are most needed to be resilient, from technical/工程技术 to softer skills like complex problem solving and whole systems thinking. 马来西亚和中国的恢复力尤其低, 只有1%的人认为他们掌握了所需的所有技能.

Although many organisations believe that their workforce is agile enough to adapt their skillsets to new technologies and ways of working, 他们缺乏的是新萄新京十大正规网站的环境技能, as well as leadership skills – which was identified as the one of the three most common barriers for organisations in meeting net zero in seven countries2.

调查还显示,超过三分之二的人3 接受调查的公司中有一半制定了可持续发展战略, 通常是为了满足新市场的规定. 然而, over 75% of respondents say they still need skills to deliver their strategy, 包括新萄新京十大正规网站的可持续发展技能和知识, 以及技术技能.

超过70%4 of nearly all respondents say they are concerned about the impact of climate change on their organisation and nearly 90% of the organisations surveyed5 have seen reactions to climate change within their supply chains, 成本增加是最普遍的反应.

看看教育渠道, the majority of countries see their education systems as preparing young people well to work in their industry – up to 95% in 中国6. UK respondents are less confident in their education system, 只有35%的人说这让他们做好了准备.

Engineering employers surveyed overwhelmingly see collaboration with academia as important for delivering high quality engineering and 技术 candidates; when asked in which areas that education could improve, every country except 埃及 had some form of collaboration in their three most commonly selected answers. 其中包括提供行业实习年, research projects in collaboration with industry and undertaking industry-targeted projects.

Gopichand Katragadda博士, 新萄新京十大正规网站的总统, said: “This survey has shown us that there are significant levels of trepidation regarding the potential impact of climate change on engineering employers internationally. The impact is already observable across supply chains, and goods and services becoming unavailable. This has led to greater concern over the skills that organisations are missing to be truly resilient to it.

“Despite the majority of businesses stating that they do have a sustainability strategy, this is tempered by lack of confidence in skills needed to deliver it. 帮助实现国家净零目标, businesses are telling us that they want to see their governments focusing their policies on economic development and industrial strategy, as well as closer collaboration between academia and industry to ensure more high-quality engineering and 技术 candidates are ready for industry.

“We hope that by launching the results of the survey at COP28, we can bring the 工程技术 conversation to the global stage and encourage participants to see the value of engineers in solving climate change.”

The research for the 新萄新京十大正规网站 was carried out online by YouGov from 21 August – 10 September 2023 amongst 2,在澳大利亚的工程雇主中工作的142名成年人, 巴西, 中国, 埃及, 德国, 印度, 马来西亚, 沙特阿拉伯, 英国和美国.


可持续发展技能调查2023 -摘要

The 2023 新萄新京十大正规网站 Skills Survey: UK Summary examines the UK’s ambition to be a world leader in Artificial Intelligence and sustainability and is part of a broader report outlining the international sustainability skill sector. 

去可持续发展技能调查2023 -摘要

1 国家包括中国(1%), 马来西亚(1%), 巴西(3%), 德国(4%), 埃及(3%), 印度(3%), 沙特阿拉伯 (2%) and the 美国 (4%) - only the UK and Australia sit above this at 10% and 7%

2 马来西亚 (44%), 中国 (41%), 埃及 (37%), Australia (35%), 巴西 (33%), 印度 (32%), 美国 (29%)

3 67%或更多

4 71%——除了英国的65%

5 89%或更多——除了英国的69%

6 UK (35%), 德国(77%), 马来西亚(64%), 印度(78%), 中国(95%), 澳大利亚(80%), 巴西(69%), 沙特阿拉伯(86%), 埃及(65%), 美国(85%)




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